As a Photographer, the perfect solution to a slider is near impossible. 
From being too expensive to just not suitable for the job, unless you’re willing to spend hundreds on a good quality slider, it simply won’t deliver the professional results you need, leaving ample room for improvement. 
My aim for this project was to create a DIY Slider that anyone could construct at home, while also adhering to the principles of sustainability. 
Upon completing the design, I am confident to say the 
Slider is Repairable, Recyclable, and Reduced. Manufactured from readily available parts, as well as components that can be easily 3D printed on any size printer, this slider not only meets the needs of photographers but also aligns with environmentally conscious practices. 
By empowering photographers to create their own sliders affordably and sustainably, this project represents a step towards a more accessible and eco-friendly future in photography equipment.

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